Coldplay came to DC! It was one of the most amazing nights of my life. No exaggeration. Thankfully, Bridget bought two tickets to the DC show last December before she even knew who she was going with. She invited me, and at that point, I had told her "maybe". Looking back, I don't know how I didn't say YES, OF COURSE.
They are unbelievable. By far my favorite band of all time.
They gave each member in the audience colored LED wristbands that lit up during certain songs. When they flashed, they created the illusion of a galaxy in the arena. It was magical.
I've seen Coldplay four other times in my life, and each of those times, I was blown away.
Needless to say, I had developed high expectations for my 5th time.
They exceeded my expectations tenfold.
Chris Martin is spectacular. His voice is my favorite voice in the world. His energy is unmatched. Even when he makes a mistake, he can do no wrong. On top of all that, he's a genuinely decent person (with a perfect british accent!)
For all of you out there who have not seen Coldplay live, GO.
They are, in a few words, legendary, inspiring, life-changing, exhilarating, and honestly, motivational.
I don't think I can wait another 2-3 years for a new album! Has anyone heard rumors of a Mylo Xyloto EP? Cause that would be AH-MA-ZING. Let me know :)
Below are two videos from the DC show.
Are the lights + wristbands not the coolest effects you've ever seen?!
Hurts Like Heaven
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