
Friday, July 22, 2011

A VERY Late Photo Challenge Update: Days 17 - 29

Ok, ok. I admit it: I have NOT been keeping up with the photo challenge. And yes, I realize that it is JULY 22nd. I've had to put it off due to other unforeseen responsibilities, but I've finally caught up! Not ALL the way, but I'm very close to completion. I will tell you: I have a new found respect for those photo challengers who completed the challenge on a daily basis and by June 30th! They are either super dedicated or super bored or not a perfectionist like myself. Regardless, it's been a fun experience and for any of you dabbling in photography, it's a great way to get the creative juices flowing. The next time I hear of a photo challenge, I'll be sure to pass the word along!

Day 17: Technology
QWERTY is the most common type of keyboard. That's the one thing I'll always remember from computer class in elementary school (aside from how to make the most awesome Zoombinis, haha - please tell me someone remembers that totally cool game.)

Day 18: Your Shoes
I already did a shoe picture, photo challenge! But, here's another. And I like it better.

Day 19: Something Orange
Georgetown Flowers.

Day 20: Bokeh
Ok, I admit it. When I saw that Day 20 was Bokeh, I had absolutely no idea what that was. I did a little a research, and turns out, I do Bokeh photography all the time! Check out these bokeh photos.

Day 21: Faceless Self-Portrait

Day 22: Hands

Day 23: Sunflare
You may have seen this picture on my blog previously.
Minnehaha Falls, MN.

Day 24: Animal
Willow: the most awesome dog ever.

Day 25: Something Pink
Flowers on the UF Campus

Day 26: Close-Up
Close-ups of flowers are always intriguing.

Day 27: From a Distance
Minneapolis, MN

Day 28: Flowers
I've been watching this flower for a few days now. It opens in the sun, and closes in the dark!
The same flower as it's about to storm! Crazy.

Day 29: Black and White
Minneapolis, MN - down along the Mississippi River

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